Now that science is showing us the many (many!) negative impacts that inflammation has on our health and wellbeing, the question is: What can we do to reduce inflammation in our bodies? The answer is quite simple – what we eat is key!

According to Harvard Medical School, “One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes not from the pharmacy, but from the grocery store.”

Inflammatory foods vs anti-inflammatory foods

Some foods we eat stoke the fires of inflammation, while others quell it. Knowing what foods are anti-inflammatory is important, so let’s replace inflammatory foods one at a time with much more health-promoting substitutions.

By making some of these simple swaps, you can have a real impact on your path to living your healthiest midlife and beyond.



Often these kinds of lifestyle changes take a little bit of effort, but the end results are well worth it. Once you swap out these foods, you're sure to feel the difference in your body.